24 Best Books for New Real Estate Agents

Read These Best Books For New Real Estate Agents to Build A Successful Career

Best books for new real estate agents

As a new real estate agent on the path to success, you demand to focus on the correct things and read the right books to help yous build your business and sell more existent estate. Hither yous volition learn the 24 best books for new real manor agents, and they will be organized for y'all. A long list of the all-time books for new REALTORs is good, but a list with structure is ameliorate.

You don't demand to look far for the studies and anecdotal testify for entrepreneurial success and reading.

  • Warren Buffett: Reads about 500 pages every solar day

  • Marking Cuban: Reads 3 hours per mean solar day

  • Bill Gates: Reads i volume every week

  • Mark Zuckerberg: Reads i book every 2 weeks

"Leaders are readers" is the common saying!

To be successful every bit a new real estate agent, you need to larn. New agents jump into the industry with excitement, but this commonly wears off in a few months, when information technology becomes challenging. And rightfully so, it is a hard industry, but y'all can exist in for such a rewarding and lucrative career, you just need to stick with information technology, and continuously fill your brain with learning, information, and motivation.

I don't think information technology requires long to convince real estate agents that reading is important, just I do hear this common hurdle frequently.

"I don't have plenty time and I don't know what to read"

If you have caught yourself saying this before, I have you covered.

I Don't Take Enough Time To Read

I become it! There is a lot on your plate equally a new real estate agent. One of the last things you are thinking of doing is curling upward and reading a practiced book. Just I am not talking virtually novels here, I am talking virtually mind-expanding ideas and books centered around learning.

Don't treat your reading as "reanimation". Instead, consider this part of your learning time.

If yous are still struggling to notice the fourth dimension, then you need to jump on the audiobook railroad train. This is how I swallow about of my books. I employ Audible to mind to almost every book. If you really love to take in the information rapidly, you can crank it up to 2x speed or even up to 3.5x speed!

I know what you are thinking. Yous're concerned well-nigh the retention of the information when you are listening versus reading. When I hit an important betoken when I am listening to a volume, I pause and save those last few seconds in Audible (a great feature). Afterward I have read the volume, I caput back and listen to the primal points over again and take notes.

Another solution that works is purchasing the hardcopy of the book if you got a lot of value out of the book on Audible. For the following books on my listing, I accept both the sound and hardcopy.

I Don't Know What To Read

As a new real estate agent, it tin be hard to sift through all the books to cull from. Finding the books to read is i thing, merely where practise you beginning?

Below, you will find 24 of the best books for new existent estate agents and they are organized for yous in groups!

That style, you know which are the height books you lot need to read right now, and which books tin can yous get to in a few months.

The First Reads

These books are vital to success in real estate. They will form the backbone of your success for years to come. You will observe these books are not real estate specific. The first thing you demand is to gear up your mind and habits upward for success!

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Carol Dweck)

Mindset - Books for new real estate agents

If you lot oasis't read Mindset, this should be your very first read. Even if you have been in the industry for years and you oasis't read this book, pick it upwardly right away. This volume will teach you the difference between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset. With a Growth Mindset, yous believe that you tin learn, grow, and improve with effort and fourth dimension. With a Fixed Mindset, yous believe that your success has a limit or a predetermined ready point.

The thing nigh real manor is we all have thoughts that are Growth Mindset focused and Stock-still Mindset focused. For case, when we shy away from hard tasks, or uncomfortable situations, we are acting with a Fixed Mindset. When we have on challenges because we know they are opportunities for improvement, nosotros are acting with a Growth Mindset.

Diminutive Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones (James Clear)

Atomic Habits - Book

Success in real estate can be broken downwards to sticking to your skilful habits and breaking bad habits. It seems so simple just if you prospect and learn every day, you will do well. The problem is information technology's easy to lose focus and start falling into bad habits.

The hardest thing near habits is they seem insignificant until they are too big to change.

Also, good habits aren't easy. The good habits are ones that required delayed gratification. Peculiarly in real estate.

The quicker you can build the right habits for success in real estate, the improve. James Clear provides an exact framework you lot can use to build positive habits in real manor.

The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the Globe's Most Successful People Launch Their Careers (Alex Banayan)

The Third Door - book

If you have been following our training resources, you volition see a common thread. I come up back to this concept when talking about building a successful career in real estate.

Praise the attempt and non the effect.

Instead of focusing on selling the firm or getting the client, focus solely on the effort you put in throughout your twenty-four hour period. Let get of your attachment to the upshot.

Equally a new existent manor agent, you can bound into the industry and you may starting time comparing yourself to agents who have been in the industry for years.

In this volume, Alex Banayan shares his crazy story to interview some of the world'south leaders in how they started their careers. He takes effort to a whole new level.

Always remember to praise your endeavor and you will do well in real manor.

The Second Reads

Awesome, you have the foundation required, at present let's leap into the second round of books that yous will need to read in club to become successful in real estate. It's fourth dimension to learn how to prospect!

Fanatical Prospecting: The Ultimate Guide to Opening Sales Conversations and Filling the Pipeline by Leveraging Social Selling, Telephone, Email, Text, and Cold Calling (Jeb Blount)

Fanatical Prospecting

Information technology takes about agents years to understand the importance of prospecting. Prospecting as a new or growing real estate agent volition make or break your career. You need to start prospecting on a schedule every single day, and you need to know how to prospect.

In Fanatical Prospecting, you will learn how Jeb Blount, one of the world's leading sales idea leaders, trains people how to prospect and succeed in sales.

Rejection Proof: How I Shell Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection (Jia Jiang)

Rejection Proof

At present that you are prospecting every forenoon, you have probably found out that rejection is a natural part of prospecting. Hither is the thing: only considering it is part of prospecting as a new real estate agent, that doesn't get in whatsoever easier.

Accept no fear! In Rejection Proof, yous will learn how to overcome rejection and starting time edifice a business organization that is rejection-proof.

You will begin to understand that information technology's not the absence of fright, but acting despite the fear that will make you successful every bit a new existent estate agent.

The Compound Event (Darren Hardy) + The Slight Border: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness (Jeff Olson)

Compound Effect

These 2 great books take a like concept that is fundamental to success in business and in life.

Both The Compound Result and The Slight Edge highlight the importance of small daily acts. They bear witness how very small things when compounded over time lead to massive results.

The Slight Edge

As a new real manor agent, each open business firm you practice compounds and leads to success.

Conversely, missing 1 solar day of prospecting seems harmless, only this will take a compound effect in a negative direction.

The dazzler of these books is they, again, praise pocket-size efforts instead of focusing on terminal results.

The Conviction Gap: A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Cocky-Doubt

Equally a new real estate amanuensis, confidence is usually lacking. Not always, but in near cases. We have non had the successes yet to atomic number 82 to a confident demeanor. The challenge is edifice the confidence that nosotros crave in social club to exist successful. This is a chicken and egg argue: you demand the confidence to be successful and you need to be successful to be confident.

Confidence Real Estate

In The Confidence Gap, you will learn the importance of acting regardless of the fear in your mind. You will also gain an agreement of the importance of small wins.

Edifice your confidence as a new existent estate amanuensis is ane of the first things you need to practise.

Grit (Angela Duckworth)


This book is a must have for anyone in business organization, real manor, and parenting. The concepts in Grit come right back to our first read on the list (Mindset) and pair perfectly with our training main training concept of praising endeavor over results.

In Dust, you will learn how to develop perseverance. This concept has been a cornerstone to our training and ane of our get-go posts is well-nigh grit in real manor.

If you lot develop grit and perseverance, there is no telling how far your real estate career tin go. Yous will continue going when others will quit, and you will ascent to the challenges presented in real manor.

Don't miss this great read as a new real estate agent.

The Third Reads

Now it's fourth dimension to jump into the real estate related reads. You take built the foundation and you are rocking and rolling with your prospecting efforts. Let's now acquire how to build a assisting real estate business organization.

The Millionaire Real Manor Agent (Gary Keller)

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent

You would be hard-pressed to find whatsoever list of recommended books for real estate agents that did non include a book or two by Gary Keller. This is a must-read for all real estate agents.

This in-depth guide takes yous through the arrangement of ane of the about world rebound names in real estate and breaks everything downwardly into daily tasks.

What I dear about The Millionaire Real Estate Agent is it is numbers-driven. You will look at your goals and reverse engineer them down to daily tasks. Also, it is a organization. It is a design that you tin use to build your thriving business organisation.

Ninja Selling: Subtle Skills. Big Results (Larry Kendall)

Ninja Selling

Another leader in the real estate space, Larry Kendall, provides clear directions to building your concern through database marketing. When it comes to building and interacting with people in your database or people that you lot desire in your database, Ninja Selling is the mode to go.

In this book, y'all will larn the verbal formula that Larry Kendall uses when he teaches his famous Ninja Selling Grade.

Ninja Selling cuts away all the fluff and gets right to the tasks that will increase your income per hour, while helping y'all withal lead a life yous enjoy.

The HyperLocal HyperFast Real Manor Agent: How to Boss Your Real Estate Marketplace in Under a Year – I Did it and and so Tin can You! (Daniel James Lesniak)

HyperLocal HyperFast

This is a fantastic book for new real manor agents. You hear the story of how Daniel Lesniak built his business concern from scratch and the verbal methods he used to get a top producer in nether a year.

In this book, Daniel gives you lot specific ideas that worked for him and he shares his scripts, messages and tactics freely.

After reading this book, yous will be able to start dominating a hyperlocal market. Daniel will bear witness yous how to offset with a smaller area, only to position yourself equally the go-to agent. He then shows how you tin expand this as yous grow forth the way.

The Forth Reads

It'south fourth dimension to get social! Nosotros know the importance of existence visible online and with social media platforms. Now that you accept a real estate business and goals lined upwardly, permit's see how you lot can leverage social media for real estate success.

 The Conversion Code: Capture Net Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales (Chris Smith)

Conversion Code

If you are focusing on (or wanting to focus on) social media ads, online prospecting, and internet leads, you need to choice up a copy of The Conversion Code. This book is total of tiptop tips from existent estate leader Chris Smith on how to ready your online campaigns and convert online leads.

Not simply is this a must-read for those focusing on online leads, but it is also not bad for anyone that is using social media. Chris highlights both free and paid ways that yous tin can exist making more money online as a real estate agent.

You will besides receive Chris' exact scripts and dialogues he uses to help existent estate agents shut more than sales.

#AskGaryVee: Ane Entrepreneur's Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Sensation (Gary Vaynerchuk)

Ask Gary Vee

Gary Vaynerchuk is an absolute leader in the social media and digital marketing space. Yes, his approach doesn't work for anybody, only his concepts, tips, and tricks pair well with existent manor agents.

He talks a lot about piece of work ethic and where you need to be a business owner to be successful for years to come up.

Ane of the main concepts from Gary Vaynerchuk that every real estate agent should embody is long term thinking. In this book (and others), he criticizes our need for instant gratification and highlights how successful we could be if we just dedicate time, effort, and constructive online advice through social media and content.

The Route to Recognition: The A-to-Z Guide to Personal Branding for Accelerating Your Professional Success in The Age of Digital Media (Seth Price and Barry Feldman)

Road To Recognition

Let'due south face it, in existent manor, people demand to know who we are. Our community needs to know we are in existent estate and we are experts in our field. In The Route to Recognition, Seth Toll and Barry Feldman testify strategies to help you become more than visible in the digital age.

The book is curtailed and total of neat tactics and strategies for real estate agents. This is one of those books that you lot can keep on your desk and refer to throughout the twelvemonth when you are in need of motivation and tweaks to your digital media strategy.

Not to mention, Seth Cost is an industry leader with some of the virtually cutting edge strategies in the business.

The Fifth Reads

You are crushing it! You have your mindset dialled in and your real estate numbers. You now are a social media and digital pro. Now, information technology's time to have things offline and acquire the important skills required to shine in social situations, negotiation, and sales

Existent estate is a people-focused career and these books will launch your social skills through the roof.

Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People (Vanessa Van Edwards)


The human being beliefs hacker is hither to teach y'all all near the science of dealing with people. This volume is a game-changer for those that desire to improve their social skills and accept a better understanding of people and communication.

This book is grounded in scientific discipline and the methods are all tested. Not only does this give the book a ton of credibility, just you can also rest assured that Vanessa's concepts really piece of work.

In Captivate, you learn actionable tips and strategies that you tin can put into identify right abroad. In real manor, you will run into an instant improvement in your networking skills, presentation abilities, and overall enjoyment of social situations.

If you want to better understand people, interactions, and relationships, Captivate is for you.

Never Swallow Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, 1 Relationship at a Time (Keith Ferrazzi)

Never Eat Alone

We all know that relationships are everything in real manor, but how do we start building relationships? Never Eat Alone gives you exact strategies and tips to assist you build relationships with and achieve success in business organisation (and life) through connections.

In this book, you will earn the importance of building your network before y'all need information technology and you lot volition larn ways that you tin can get-go connecting with people right away.

Keith Ferrazzi besides explores authentic means that y'all can stand out and be remembered afterwards an result.

This is a must-read for anyone who wants to build their database in existent estate and connect with more people.

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High (Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, and Ron McMillan)

Crucial Conversation

If yous haven't had 1 yet, just wait, there are times when conversations will make or intermission the deal. When what yous say and how y'all say it, will be the difference between your buyer getting the business firm or non, or your seller making the much needed toll reduction.

Communication is the quiet differentiator in real estate and it is not a skill taught in the real estate course.

In Crucial Conversations, you will acquire the exact phasing needed to handle loftier stakes situations. In real estate, you will encounter these regularly when dealing with your own clients and when yous are negating.

Never Split The Difference: Negotiating Equally If Your Life Depended On It

Never Split The Difference

Did you know i of the top iii things that a consumer looks for in a real estate agent is negotiation skills? In Never Carve up The Difference, yous will learn from i of the globe's leading negotiators.

You will learn the importance of tone and selecting the exact right words for a given situation. About instantly yous volition notice more success in your real estate negotiations and your discussions with your clients.

If you want to build on one of the most important skills in existent estate (negotiation), then you need to choice up Neve Split The Difference.

The Go-Giver: A Lilliputian Story Well-nigh a Powerful Business organisation Thought (Bob Burg and John David Isle of man)

The Go-Giver

This is one of those books that every real estate agent needs to take, read, and re-read. The Go-Giver teaches the concept of leading with value and how this can be transformative for your business.

The Go-Giver is a quick read with 5 lessons that will fundamentally modify how you do business. It is 1 of the books that you will find yourself nodding your head "yes" with each page you plough.

The lessons are based on people and how yous can over-service them versus what they tin do for you. The beauty of this book is the simplicity of the concepts yet unbelieve power backside this thinking.

This is some other must-read for every real estate agent.

The Sixth Reads

All right, you are on fire! You lot are a social ninja, you have your business plans in place, and yous accept the fundamentals nailed. Now it's time for a few bonus reads.

These books will change the way y'all see real estate, sales, and personal growth.

The Happiness Reward: The Vii Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work (Shawn Achor)

Happiness Advantage

This book is a game-changer when it comes to how to be successful at work and in existent estate. Too often nosotros accept the mindset of "we will be happy when". Nosotros will be happy when nosotros sell 25 homes consistently every year. We volition be happy one time we hit the tiptop 10 list at our office. Nosotros volition be happy once we get that new automobile.

In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn flips this concept on its head and highlights that success doesn't lead to happiness. Instead, happiness leads to success.

This is one of our primary training concepts: y'all demand to savor what you do and you need to be enthusiastic nigh sales and success will come.

I know what you are thinking: easier said than washed. Yes, flipping a switch and becoming happy in hard times can be a challenge, but in this volume, you lot will larn just that.

Learn these strategies and watch your success follow happiness!

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Dear, Parent, and Atomic number 82 (Brene Brown)

Daring Greatly

Brene Brownish has inverse the manner the earth looks a vulnerability and courage. Her studies, TED Talks, and books are some of the most powerful concepts out there.

In real estate, we recollect we need to be perfect. We think nosotros ever need to be "on" and when we compare ourselves to others, we think we are failing.  In Daring Greatly (and other books by Brene Dark-brown), you lot volition learn the importance of vulnerability in life and leadership.

This doesn't hateful coming from a "share absolutely everything" place. It means letting go of shame and building our success on the courageous acts we take.

Daring Profoundly is a volume for everyone but is very of import for new real manor agents.

Extreme Ownership: How U.South. Navy SEALs Lead and Win (Jacko Willink and Leif Babin)

Extreme Ownership

In existent manor, nosotros can detect ourselves blaming exterior forces more than than we should. Nosotros complain about the market, or the new confusing applied science coming for your commissions. Nosotros blame the quality of the cyberspace leads and we find ourselves saying "_____ is just successful because _______".

In Extreme Ownership, you will learn that you need to have major responsibly for your life and your business. Information technology'due south time to stop blaming others for our lack of success or brusque comings and it's time we own our lives.

This is taught perfectly through the intense situations that Jacko Willink and Leif Babin faced as U.S. Navy Seals.

Jacko Willink is famous for saying "subject equals liberty." In this book, you will learn about subject field, difficult piece of work, and owing your success.

The Phenomenon Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Underground Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) (Hal Elrod)

Miracle Morning

As a real manor agent, you are in accuse of your schedule. If y'all want to sleep in until apex, yous can, but I think nosotros all know that this volition not atomic number 82 to success.

The Phenomenon Morning is a simple concept merely can have transformative results.

Concern owners and entrepreneurs swear by this concept and have seen massive growth from just waking up earlier and following the steps in this book.

The morning time gear up you up for success. Your morning routine sets the tone for your whole twenty-four hour period. In real estate, you need to stay focused, motivated, and energized throughout the day. One of the quickest hacks to having a successful twenty-four hour period is following a morning time routine. The Phenomenon Morning is a top read for anyone looking to build effective habits first matter in the morning.


There yous have information technology, the ultimate list of books to read for new real estate agents. If y'all are brand new or less than 5 years in real estate, these books volition exist transformative.

Once you lot get through these, not to worry, in that location are tons of great business organisation and real manor books to keep y'all occupied for years to come.

Retrieve to leverage tools like Audible if y'all are short on fourth dimension when it comes to reading. When reading, either in sound form or paper, make sure you lot have notes to retain the information from these books. It's non just nearly quickly reading these books, information technology'due south about retaining the data and putting it into practice.

Follow Up Reading:

Zillow's List of Books for Real Estate Agents

Inman's List of Books for Real Estate Agents

FitSmallBusiness' List of Books for Real Estate Agents

Questions: What is one of your favorite reads that accept helped you in real manor? Let me know in the comments below!

-Michael Montgomery